Lemme Building: A step forward in the journey of evolution and growth.

_project: Lemme Building
_architecture: EMA Arquitetura
_build: Bidese
_landscape design: Burle Marx
_interiors: Boscardin Corsi
_location: Curitiba, Brazil

In the realm of modern architectural endeavors, the integration of natural elements within urban structures has become a focal point for fostering ecological sustainability and enhancing aesthetic appeal. Among the projects that epitomize this trend is the Lemme Building, orchestrated by the adept landscape architects at the Burle Marx Office. This project distinctly showcases an authorial approach towards melding native vegetation and green spaces with architectural design, hallmarks that have long characterized the work of the Burle Marx Office.

In a recent interview, the landscape architects delved into the essence of the Lemme Building project. They emphasized that each project is approached with a unique, authorial perspective, always prioritizing the use of local native plant species adapted to the local climate. This core belief was embraced from the outset of the Lemme Building's conceptualization. The project also notably features free and sinuous forms, designed meticulously to enhance spaces and allow visitors to interact intimately with nature—be it the verdant vegetation, the soothing water elements, or the natural stones.

The ultimate aspiration is to evoke a sense of well-being, comfort, and tranquility among those who traverse the outdoor spaces of the Lemme Building. The landscape architects likened this to the warmth and serenity akin to one's own garden, a haven amidst the urban sprawl.

For the Burle Marx Office, the Lemme Building signifies a step forward in their journey of evolution and growth. Each project, as they noted, presents a fresh challenge—meeting the utilitarian demands of each space, while also unveiling novel approaches hitherto unimagined. The endeavor to embody decades-long cherished concepts and intentions in each new design drives them. The completion of the Lemme Building is not just a milestone but a stimulant for the office, fuelling their motivation to continue crafting contemporary projects that echo the same ethos in the times ahead.

The Lemme Building is a vivid exemplar of how modern design, when intertwined with nature-centric principles, can yield spaces that are not only aesthetically appealing but also echo a deeper resonance with the natural world.


_article written by Daniela Moreira Silva
_film by CatalunyaArchitecture Hunter
_cover image by Blackhaus Studio

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