Lake Lantern: Converting the residence into something akin to a living art gallery.

_project: Lake Lantern
_architecture: Evans Lee Design
_location: Foshan, China

In architecture, the concept of spatial fluidity is not merely a stylistic choice; it represents a nuanced understanding of how space interacts with the dynamics of human life. This perspective champions a liberated, open environment where walls and partitions are minimized, giving way to a tapestry of interconnected spaces that foster social interaction, mental well-being, and a deepened connection with nature. Among projects that have successfully articulated this design philosophy, Lake Lantern by Evans Lee Design stands out as a compelling case study.

Lake Lantern pushes the boundaries of what is conventionally considered minimalism. In the architect’s view, minimalism is not about imposing a designer's singular vision on a space but rather creating an environment that serves as a collaborative canvas for its dwellers. The aim is to sustainably co-create a space that accommodates varying modes of interaction, particularly between parents and children, and where warmth and blessings are effortlessly exchanged.

In this project, walls and partitions are consciously reduced, opening up the space to the embrace of natural light and the free circulation of air. The intent is to create a 'pure background' that can be animated through the myriad activities that life brings, converting the residence into something akin to a living art gallery. By blurring the boundaries between rooms with moveable doors and employing reversible screens, Evans Lee Design allows the space to morph according to the needs and whims of its inhabitants.

At Lake Lantern, minimalism is not about stripping down to bare essentials but is an exercise in enriching the layers of experience within a space. The focus shifts from fixed forms to the 'bidirectional flow of breeze and light,' an emphasis that facilitates dialogue not just among the dwellers but also between them and the natural world. The designer has carefully blurred the demarcations between internal and external space, empowering the inhabitants with the agency to define their own spatial narrative.

This fluidity in design is further accentuated by the strategic use of lighting. Light is not merely functional but serves as a medium that seamlessly connects furniture, fixtures, and the human inhabitants. A play between light and shadow adds a poetic dimension, turning the house into a microcosm of sensory experiences.

Lake Lantern is a testament to Evans Lee's advocacy for a minimalist yet rich approach to private residence design. Spatial fluidity, in this context, moves beyond aesthetics to establish itself as a guiding principle for how private spaces should be crafted—sustainably, inclusively, and responsively. By doing so, it underscores that the ultimate object of architectural design is not the house as a physical entity, but the quality of life it facilitates for its dwellers.


_article written by Daniela Moreira Silva
_film by Geoffrey_El 
_curatorship by Architecture Hunter
_PR by Current-Newswire
_cover image by Jack Qin

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